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Visitors Insurance for Travel to USA

It is always prudent to review and purchase visitors insurance for travel to USA, when anyone who is visiting the United States from a company based in USA and focussed on visitor insurance plans. offer free insurance quote from several top rated providers with plans tailored for visitors to USA and travelers around the world. All visitor insurance products featured are available to people of all nationalities who are visiting another country for which they are not passport holders (tourists or expatriates). You can compare among several choices of products offered by well known and reputed US based insurance companies and purchase the plan online.

Buy Visitors Insurance

Once you buy visitor insurance coverage online, you will receive an immediate email confirmation which is also a virtual insurance card. A hard copy print out of this virtual card is proof of insurance coverage. The email will also provide information about the plan benefits along with relevant number provided for emergencies. You will also receive a hard copy of the original plan identification card and all other necessary documents by regular mail to the address provided while purchasing the policy. However if you cannot buy the coverage online, you can mail or fax us the completed application form along with the payment.

Renewal of Visitor Health Insurance

The visitor medical insurance coverage can be renewed if the visitor extends his/her stay beyond the original policy period. Like the original policy purchase, the renewals can also be completed online prior to the expiration date without lapse. Certain policies require an initial purchase of a minimum of days/months duration for future renewal eligibility.

Suggestions and safe travel tips regarding your visitor insurance policy:

  1. Keep a copy of the insurance card easily accessible to you.
  2. Read the policy details to understand the available benefits and any limits.
  3. Inform the people you are staying with about the insurance policy details.
  4. Keep all relevant telephone numbers and driving directions to the emergency facility in your area easily accessible.

Seeking Medical Care in the U.S.

There are essentially three ways to help you when seeking medical services. The choice of the specific option depends on the condition of the patient.

  1. 911 (Absolute Medical emergency)
  2. Emergency Care
  3. Scheduled Physician appointment

Call 911 for Emergency Health Care

You can call 911 for life threatening situations or when you have no means of getting urgent medical help. Once the call is made help arrives at your doorstep in very little time. The paramedics will check your vitals signs and gather relevant information while transporting you to the emergency facility. Emergency facilities are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Service is provided to all patients irrespective of the visitor health insurance plan they have. The patient has reasonable buffer time to inform the insurance company about the emergency event. If the insured person is not in a position to do so anybody can call and inform the company on the customers behalf.

Emergency Hospitalization and Medical Care

This choice is usually for situations when a patient needs urgent attention, however it is not life threatening and the patient can visit the nearest medical service registered under the insurance companys provider network. You can either call the number given or your insurance ID card or search the providers directory online to find the nearest clinic, urgent care center, or medical facility near you, or go directly to the hospital emergency room.

Prior Doctor’s appointment

This choice is for medical problems that require prior appointment with the doctors office. The customer can call the telephone number on the back of ID coverage card to check if the provider is pithing the plan PPO network. The customer can alternatively confirm if the registered medical offices for that provider are under the insurance PPO network for the plan selected.

Top Visitors Insurance for USA Travel

Below are the visitor insurance suggestions based on age of travelers visiting USA:

Age below 70 years, choice insurance for tourist visiting USA

Ages 70-79 years, top insurance for travel to America

Ages 80+ years, best insurance for relatives/parents visiting USA

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Why Buy Visitors Health Insurance USA?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to purchase a qualified visitors health insurance USA plan for travel to the United States of America. The most common reasons are peace of mind, protection from the unexpected, and concern over losing the financial investment in any short term trip as a visitor to USA.

Some real-life examples that substantiate the reasoning to buy travel medical insurance in general include:

  • You have to cut your trip short because of illness or injury while in USA
  • You have to cancel your nonrefundable trip because a family member had an accident
  • Your flight is delayed overnight because of bad weather, and you need a hotel room
  • Your baggage is lost enroute to your destination or is substantially delayed
  • You miss your cruise departure because of weather-related flight delays
  • You need medical assistance while in USA for an emergency or accidental injury
  • You have an auto accident in a foreign country and need legal assistance
  • You have to cancel a trip because your home is flooded or uninhabitable
  • You can’t get home because of a hurricane, floods or other natural disaster at your destination

All of the above reasons may not be covered in all the plans listed, hence it is important to read the plan brochure and schedule of benefits to review the included coverage offering to determine what is exactly covered. Some of these features may be included in trip cancellation plans also which can be purchased along with a visitor health insurance policy.

Choosing the right visitor medical insurance for you can be difficult. There are certain means online that will aid you in making a decision, help you apply online and complete your purchase. will help you make comparisons on different visitor insurance plans available for USA visitors, which will surely help you choose which plan would suit your standards and needs.

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Visitors Insurance and Tips for Choosing the Best Plan

All visitors to USA and elsewhere outside one’s home country do warrant the medical protection with a visitor’s insurance policy. These visitor insurance plans offer coverage for unexpected accident or even routine sickness while as a visitor in the United States or any foreign nation outside home country.

There are many plans available from multiple US based visitor insurance providers, and choosing the best visitor insurance coverage is always not an easy task. One can be barraged by tons of information overload but still remain confused about what plan would best suit you as visitor. Sometimes it is the children making this choice as they purchase a visitor insurance for parents visiting USA and any other country.

Firstly, be aware that all available visitor coverage plans are broadly classified as low-cost fixed or scheduled benefit plans, and on the other side is affordable comprehensive coverage plans. The main difference between these two types is that the fixed benefit plans follow limits as indicated in the schedule of benefits in the policy brochure, and hence are the cheaper visitor insurance to buy. But when it comes to the features and benefits included, cheaper is not always better in terms of well rounded travel medical insurance for visitors to USA. Comparing and picking the best visitor insurance plan is a subjective matter and the insurance agent can help in selecting the best visitor insurance policy suited specifically for your coverage needs.

A comprehensive visitor insurance coverage policy on the other hand covers most medical conditions up to the plan maximum benefit selected at the time of purchase, with certain policy also offering to cover each distinct accident or medical incident up to the policy maximum picked again at the time of enrollment via online application.

Generally, if the policy if for older visitors to the US, the need the benefits and features included in compressive visitor insurance and this makes a lot of sense for them to subscribe to one of these plans. For cost conscious travelers who are limited by a budget, the lower priced fixed benefit plans may offer a better deal when compared with having no insurance coverage at all. Even those who pick comprehensive visitor insurance policies can substantially lower the upfront premium costs by selecting a plan with a higher deductible, which is accumulated before the plan can start reimbursing the visitor for eligible medical costs.

Finally, what is most important is to understand the importance of visitor medical insurance for visitors to USA, knowing that the cost of care in a medical emergency or hospitalization is high, especially when compared to similar costs from India, China or other nations. Also, access to the required care is severely jeopardized when one is not enrolled in a visitor health insurance policy. Know this, it is wise and prudent to always purchase the best visitor insurance for the entire duration of travel outside the visitors home country, and all the more of heightened importance of the visitor is traveling to USA as a destination of short term stay.

Below are the best visitor insurance plan suggestions based on age of visitors visiting USA:

Age below 70 years, best visitor insurance coverage for visitors to USA

Ages 70-79 years, best visitor insurance coverage for visitors to USA

Ages 80+ years, best visitor insurance coverage for visitors to USA

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance for Foreign Nationals Visiting USA

Visiting USA from any foreign country is always a thrilling experience for the travel enthusiasts. Travelers visiting USA from India, China, Europe, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, etc. travel to USA for various reasons, both for personal holiday for meeting relatives, seeing places, or business travel. While residing in the USA even for a short time, visitors to USA need to learn many things to get accustomed to the food habits, life style and climate. Moreover, health care system in America is very expensive and an uninsured might get in trouble in case of an emergency medical situation or a routine sickness. To avoid such disastrous outcomes, US based insurance companies have designed visitor medical insurance plans to cover visitors and new immigrants to USA.

Everyone loves travel and explore places. The adventurer wish to visit several places in USA or around the world. During these visits and travel is important to their health or through a good short term health insurance policy. Go to other locations in the world can be exciting and thrilling, but it is also important to be prepared in case of any medical emergency or health concern.There are many factors considered in short term visitor medical insurance policies. Insurance companies are much when looking for a short-term visitor health insurance policy.

Medical insurance for visitors to USA are framed keeping some of the most common medical requirements of the visitors or new immigrants in the US. Some of the common risks covered under visitor medical insurance plan are coverage for hospitalization expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, accidental death and dismemberment, etc. while in America. However, most of the insurance providers will not cover the pre existing medical conditions of the travelers.

Be sure to shop around for visitors insurance plans and compare visitor insurance costs before settling on one. Insurance companies will not have undue risks, in order to qualify for a short term health insurance, whether online or offline, must present proof of age, a medical history and records of any ailments that often has. If you are a candidate for high risk which will have to pay a little as premium for its policy. If you are willing to pay a larger amount as deductible, which is what you pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses, then, you can negotiate in the premium to the company. Another factor insurance will look at is how much can visit, if it’s for a long period, there may be unforeseen circumstances leading to the need of health insurance. Short term health insurance however they have a clearly stated period of validity. Insurance companies will also have actuarial details on the location which is visiting, any associated risks, what kind of trip that you are taking and other factors.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance for Visitors to USA

Visitors insurance is one of the best ways available for foreign nationals as visitors to USA to obtain health coverage and medical protection necessary, making their travel to America safe and worry-free. Travelers from any part of the world visiting USA must purchase insurance for visitors to USA to deal with the high cost of health care system here in USA. The US consulate recommends all travelers to the United States to purchase adequate visitor health insurance for USA visitors. The visitors insurance cannot guarantee financial assistance in every case, but a broad array of sickness/injury including medical emergency is covered during the duration of stay. US insurance companies have custom designed visitor insurance for USA visitors of all age groups and nationalities.

How Visitor Insurance Plan Works

Visitors who purchase visitor medical insurance while travelling to the USA need to be aware how the plan works. The visitors insurance plan purchased will be legitimate and would be good at any doctor or hospital in the US or anywhere outside the insureds home country. That said, it will be up to the doctor or hospital whether they will deal directly with the visitors insurance company or make you submit the visitors insurance claim. What could have happened is the client wished to have direct billing and no provider would do so. A call to the insurance company may have solved this issue. The refusal to direct bill could be for several reasons, but most likely because they will likely not have heard of the particular policy or IPA network of practitioners the client visited for care, since they likely do not get many non-US citizens or residents in their offices. However, they may have heard of the PPO network used by the company (we often try to point this out to our clients) and we are not sure if the client used these lists or if there were such providers in their area. Even after these actions, some provider may not want to do direct billing, in which case you can file a claim with the insurance provider.

Need for Visitors Insurance Coverage

When planning a trip to the United States, it is essential that USA visitors or international travelers to America have a qualified visitor insurance for USA plan in case of illness, medical emergency or an accident/sickness in USA. offers many choices for short-term coverage with low prices, best benefits, in different coverage categories, all supported with extensive online resources and exceptional customer service.

Best Visitor Insurance USA

Below are the visitor insurance suggestions based on age of travelers visiting USA:
Age below 70 years, choice of insurance plans for tourist visiting USA

Ages 70-79 years, top insurance for travel to America

Ages 80+ years, best insurance for relatives/parents visiting USA

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Visitor Health Insurance Benefits USA Visitors

Whatever the reasons for which you are planning your visit to the US, visiting America nation without having a visitor health insurance policy can put you in financial risk in the even of a medical emergency. The reason being the costs associated in the US healthcare system and its complicated nature. Once you cross the borders of your home country, your domestic insurance plan will cease to be effective outside home country in any foreign nation including the United States or Canada. Also, most healthcare providers in the U.S. readily offer medical services to only those folks who have medical insurance sourced from a US-based insurance provider.

In the above circumstances, it wise and prudent to protect yourself with a US visitor insurance policy from an American provider. Considering these problems, all visitors are advised to buy visitor insurance from a US-based visitor medical insurance provider who can provide the range of covered benefits that are included. Even if you are an immigrant worker, employed in the US who has some form of basic insurance if you are not included or if your employer-funded medical insurance costs are prohabitive. Visitor health insurance offers short-term coverage for medical care or life-saving healthcare services that are needed after surviving a critical, physical injury.

In evaluating qualified plans, one needs to compare visitor medical insurance plans to ensure that it meets your standards in terms of what coverage it has to offer. Finding a policy with the cheapest visitor insurance quoted premiums is important, but it is also recommended that you evaluate the inclusive services provided by the insurance provider. Check if the plan offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing medical conditions and if it offers wavier of an co-insurance for treatment availed within the provider PPO network of care givers.

Also, it is always recommended that a comprehensive visitors health insurance plan is selected for senior parents, relatives or in-laws visiting USA considering their age. These policies ensure that your visitors insurance coverage offers benefits for all sorts of financial risks including any form of emergency medical evacuations or repatriation of bodily remains or lost baggage or due to trip interruptions caused by any reason.

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Health Insurance for Visitors to U.S.

Although health care as a visitor in the United States can seem extremely costly, health insurance for visitors to US is an essential expense that you can’t ignore if you are planning a visit to the United States. When you are uninsured as a visitor to USA, you can quickly put your finances in jeopardy with no solution to fix them, if you have any major medical expenses. It’s best to have visitors health insurance so you can avoid this kind of problem.

There are many visitor insurance companies offering a bevy of visitor insurance plans that provide health insurance for visitors to US. Visitors medical insurance typically provides coverage for sickness or injury for yourself or parents or relatives visiting the United States, but remember these plans will not offer wellness benefits including physical check-up, health gym memberships, annual check ups, yoga classes, programs to help you stop smoking, promotions to help you lose weight, healthy eating classes, and flu shots. Always review the schedule of benefits to evaluate the exact coverage benefits included in your visitors insurance plan.

This cannot be mentioned enough – make sure you have read all the brochure and other documents that are a part of your visitors health insurance policy, and make sure you completely understand what services you have covered and which are not. It can be costly if you see a doctor that is out of the network if you plan is part of a preferred provider network (PPO). It makes sense to review the doctors, hospitals and other providers who are part of the PPO network and also in the local zip code where you will be visiting in the US.

When purchasing visitors health insurance, think about a group travel medical insurance if you are a group of 5 or more visitors to USA, related to each other or not. A group travel medical insurance should be cheaper than an individual visitor insurance policy, even though you get the same exact benefits as the individual plans. If you are part of employer based group visiting USA, various trade groups, alumni associations, other organizations, or just a bigger family members group, a group visitors health insurance is the way to go for cheaper visitors insurance.

As you can see, even though it is a complex area you can understand a lot about visitors health insurance. Dedicate a bit of time to educating yourself as a a visitor to USA. Once you’ve educated yourself, it’ll be easier to make better decisions regarding visitors health insurance, be it for yourself, your family, your relatives and parents visiting you in USA.

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Visitor Medical Insurance for Visitors Visiting USA

Visitor Medical Insurance plans are available for all visitors from outside the United States who visit the USA for a short-term duration and require travel medical coverage for that period of visit. There are several visitors health insurance plans to choose from, many from top rated US based providers. It is not possible to compare two plans solely on cost; there are different features in visitors insurance plans that make each plan different. It is important understand the visitor travel insurance plan benefits and details before you purchase a plan.

  1. Comprehensive plans and Fixed benefit plans: This is a big difference between plans. Comprehensive plans are more expensive than the fixed benefit plans. Comprehensive plans provide coverage up to the policy maximum. For expenses up to the plan limit out of pocket expenses are capped to the deductible and the co insurance. Fixed benefit plans have certain pre set maximum that will be paid for each eligible expense. A policy that offers a total $100,000 benefit may have a limit of $2000 for surgery, $500 for x rays, lab work etc.
  2. Plan Limit or Plan Maximum: The price of a plan also depends on the maximum amount the plan will pay for all claims for the insured. A plan that offers maximum 50K coverage will be cheaper than one that offers 100K coverage. Some plans may offer per incident/per injury maximum and some offer a maximum coverage for the entire policy period.
  3. Policy Deductible: Visitor medical insurance plans can have deductibles from $0 to above $2500. All expenses incurred up to the deductible amount chosen must be paid by the insured before any payment is made by the insurance company. Plans with high deductibles are often cheaper than those with low deductibles. It should not be confused with a co-payment that is common in US health insurance plans.
  4. Co-Insurance: It is the percentage of the covered medical expense that the insured must pay. For example if the plan has an 80/20 co insurance rate, the insurance plan pays 80% of the eligible expenses and the rest is paid by the insured. Premiums can vary widely depending on the co insurance of the plan. Sometimes the co insurance applies only up to a certain pre defined cumulative medical expense amount. Beyond that amount eligible expenses are covered 100%.
  5. Pre existing Condition Coverage: While coverage is usually not available for pre existing conditions, it is still prudent to find out how pre existing conditions are defined by the insurance company. Some plans will exclude coverage only for those conditions that the insured knew about and was receiving treatment before the start date of the insurance. Some others may exclude all those conditions that may have begun before the start of the plan even if the person had no knowledge of the condition.

Quote, compare, review, rate, and buy/purchase a visitor medical insurance plan instantly online today on, no medical check-up is required.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitors Health Insurance for Visitors

Visitors Health Insurance for Visitors as plans that are also known as visitor medical insurance or visitors health insurance, and provide medical coverage outside the travelers home country including USA.

Visitor Medical Insurance for non US citizens visitng the US, you want the lowest cost health insurance that you can possibly get and medical air ambulance coverage and more. You can find information about visitor medical insurance, visitor health insurance, major medical insurance, travel insurance for individuals, groups and businesses. There are specialized plans for persons immigrating to the US, plans for parents, relatives or friends visiting the US, plans for US citizens traveling, studying, working or living outside the US, plans for students and more. You’ll find a lot of useful tips, help and information to make an informed purchase.

Visitor Health Insurance for US citizens traveling abroad for pleasure or business, you can find health, major medical and travel insurance for traveling, working, studying or living outside the US. You can learn about plans that are available from different companies for individuals, groups, associations and/or businesses with persons needing insurance outside the US.

Some of the visitor medical insurance or visitor health insurance plan benefits included in these plans are hospital expenses, intensive care, surgery or surgical remedies, outpatient treatment, physiotherapy, emergency ambulance, maternity care, mental health and nervous conditions, dental procedures and problems due to an accident, emergency medical evacuation, political evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains,
emergency reunion, return of minor child, accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), international assistance, trip interruption, lost baggage, etc.

Visitor Medical Insurance Online provides access to plan descriptions, quotes and applications. Get a free quote and with instant purchase, you can get a virtual ID card from the US based insurance companies and meet the visa compliance some countries require for obtaining a visitor visa to the US or Canada.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Visa Insurance for Visiting USA

When planning on visiting United States of America (USA) on a US visitor visa, or a visit to any foreign country, one must also consider buying visitor visa insurance for travel to USA. US visitor visa insurance can be easily purchased online for next day coverage. Visitors to USA require a mandatory US visitor visa permit issued by the U.S. consulate to enter the United States, and can be obtained from the American consulate while in their home country. US Visitor Visa is issued by the U.S. consulate for the period of stay and purpose of visit of the travelers. Visitors from any part of the world can enter and visit the USA for a short term, holding a valid U.S. visitor visa (B2 visa), whatever the purpose of their visit.

Travel to the USA is a new experience for many, travelers need to be prepared to get used to the climate, food habit and lifestyle in the United States. Also, it is important that US travelers are aware of the costs associated with medical care in any health care setting in the USA. To curb the risk associated with having to visit these facilities in case of a medical emergency, US visitors can cover themselves and their family with a US visitor visa insurance plan and protect themselves from any financial crisis due to the same. Since the domestic health insurance in the traveler home country is not applicable for visitors while in the United States, travelers can buy U.S. visitors health insurance policy for the period or duration of visit to America.

Coverage benefits offered by visitor visa insurance plans include  emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, hospitalization expenses, doctor fees, accidental death and dismemberment, pharmacy prescription drugs, etc. for the duration of visit to the USA. Travelers can obtain free visitor insurance quotes and buy visitor visa insurance plans online right in their home country, or even after the start of their journey or landing in the USA. The date from which the insurance coverage becomes effective can be as early as the next day or any future date. No paperwork or medical examination is needed to purchase any U.S. visitor medical insurance.

There are several visitor insurance providers in the United States who offer visitor visa insurance for U.S. visitors. To find out more about the features of visitor visa insurance plans, travelers can these plans compare online, and after selecting the right plan that suits their specific requirements best, travelers can buy visitor visa insurance online using a credit card. The compare visitor insurance tool is designed to quickly review the premium cost, plan benefits, policy deductibles, coverage period etc.