Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Parents Visiting USA, Buy Visitor Medical Insurance

For parents visiting USA from India, the most vital decision that they make, or their children make on their behalf, is the decision to buy a visitor medical insurance plan for the duration of stay in America. Many relatives, in-laws or parents visiting USA for the first time, and even later on subsequent visits, and they may have been waiting for the day to travel to USA to be with their children and/or grand kids living in America. In all the excitement surrounding your parents visit and their travel plans, and the packing and planning that goes along, it is important to not forget to purchase visitor medical insurance for USA also. No matter how much you and your parents may have anticipated or decided on things, you are not completely prepared until you have a visitors medical insurance papers also packed and ready along with your passport and other important paperwork. Visiting the USA can be lots of fun, but there are many challenges if you are an elderly traveler, as with age comes the need for proper medical care at the right time of need.

Visitors Insurance for Parents Visiting USA

There are lot of different kinds of coverage available for parents visiting USA that can be taken additionally. To justify the need for visitor insurance for parents, one must always consider all eventualities, such as if you are in an accident when in a car or tripping on a slippery pavement leading to a fracture or even a routine flu that you get requiring some medical attention, or some more serious medical emergency should something happen. Discussing and finding out more about these situations is not a negative way of thinking, but rather helps you and makes you better prepared in an efficient way to buy a policy that offers the coverage benefits to stay medically protected.

Visitors Insurance for Relatives Visiting USA

Family members of visitors to USA, who are living in America, can also make purchase of visitors insurance for relatives visiting USA online using a credit card on behalf of their relatives or parents visiting USA. The purchase process on is simple and easy online, just taking a few minutes to complete the application and purchase. Anyone can complete the purchase process of visitor health insurance online for themselves or on behalf of anyone, and all this can be done from anywhere across the globe and at any point of time. The plan coverage an begin as early as same day or the next day if the visitor is already in the U.S., or any future date selected per the travel schedule. Upon purchase, a sytem generated email with all the policy details along with links to the customer access portal, print policy papers, ID cards etc, will be instantly available.

Best Visitors Insurance for Parents Visiting USA

Below are the plan suggestions based on age of relatives or parents visiting USA:

Age below 65 years, best insurance for parents visiting USA

Ages 65-79 years, best insurance for parents visiting USA

Ages 80+ years, best insurance for parents visiting USA

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance for Parents or Relatives Visiting USA

If you are planning this year for your senior parents visiting USA, or other relatives travel to America even for a short term duration, consider seriously getting a visitor insurance policy also. During their stay in America, you may do sight seeing tourist locations around the United States, or even incidental trips to Canada or Mexico on a vacation, or just chill out with them and family in your town or city in America. But no one wants this family experience ruined if these aged visitors fall sick due to an unexpected health emergency involving a visit to the hospital or emergency room for dire medical conditions whilst in the USA. This could also be due to a road accident or even a fall due to slippery surface when actively participating in one of the aforementioned events, so this injury can also lead the individual in serious conditions to the hospital or urgent care facility.

Health emergency can strike anyone visiting USA or any other foreign country, and can happen anytime, no one can plan ahead to put off such emergencies. So a visit to the hospital becomes in-evitable and one can only hope that they receive the required care and treatment to see their loved ones recuperate back to original health as when these individuals were when them came to visit you. But much of health care in the United States or elsewhere in the western world is expensive for even routine care or for more advanced procedures needed for diagnosis and treatment of your parent or relative who is in the hospital bed. In extreme cases, access to care can be curtailed or limited without proper proof of health coverage for visitors such as an insurance I.D. card showing the tool-free number through which the doctor offices or hospital staff can verify coverage with the insurance provider. But the most important thing then is the accessibility of care and immediate treatment given to the visitor and sorting of all financial concerns later.

Under these situations is when visitor medical insurance has an important role to navigate the health care system in America. Health insurance for visitors to USA provides accident and sickness coverage for all visitors who enroll in a plan, therby offering the worry-free advantage of medical protection in such dire situations. These visitors insurance plans can be purchased by anyone on behalf of any visitor, related or not, and can be broadly classified as low cost fixed benefit policies or affordable comprehensive coverage plans. There are many available plans that offer many benefits and include features such as pre-existing condition coverage in acute onset relapse situations, offering significant benefit amounts even to those visiting individuals who may have had a heart surgery or stroke in the past while in their home country.

To wade through all the various visitor insurance plans and products from the different travel medical insurance providers based in the US, one can get overwhelmed and sidetracked by barrage of marketing and product information that one stumbles upon these days. This limits your sincere ability of finding and picking the best visitor insurance poilicy that aptly meets your visitors exact needs and coverage requirements. helps you discern all these plans in a nutshell and points you the exact visitor health insurance that you are looking for at the budget that you have allocated.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitors Medical Insurance For Parents Visiting USA

If you or your parents, in-laws or other elderly relatives are planning to travel to the United States of America or Canada, then you need to review best and buy good quality, affordable visitors insurance. The health care services and medical expenses for treatments in developed countries such as the US are very high. Hence, it is all the more important for visiting parents to obtain visitors medical insurance coverage to ensure that suitable cover for medical emergencies well in advance, saving your parents from getting into financial hardships due to medical bills and hospital charges in the event of admission into a emergency room or the in patient ward of a hospital.

Why buy visitors medical insurance for parents

Planning is essential while buying visitors health insurance for parents, and it is advised to purchase the same when the entire trip has been planned out along with getting the visitors visa and buying airline tickets. Forgetting or avoiding to buy visitors medical insurance for parents can later because a problem, with the risk of an uneventful hopitalization in the visiting country. This can cause unnecessary financial hardship and worries even for the host family abroad. A visitors medical insurance plan needs to be purchased for your parents since immigrants and visitors are not eligible to for domestic US health insurance plans. It is also advantageous to maintain the legal status and validity of the visa of your parents while visiting aboard with a good visitor insurance plan, which is of great help in case of any medical emergencies and claiming is a very easy and simple process. Visitor insurance plan benefits for parents include hospitalization expenses, intensive care treatment, in-patient surgery, hospital ward admission, ambulance services, medical evacuation, etc and lot more. Take time to read the insurance plan brochure policy document to understand the schedule of coverage and plan exclusions.

Process to buy visitors medical insurance for parents

The process to buy a correct visitor insurance plan for relatives or parents can be quite a task even for many folks living in any other nation. There are so many visitors insurance plans with insurance terms and insurance industry references that can be a hard to comprehend. By seeking the help of online visitor insurance guide and an resourceful visitor insurance agent, one can navigate the maze and pick the best visitors medical insurance for parents visiting USA.

Popular visitors medical insurance for parents

Some of the popular visitors medical insurance for parents which offer excellent coverage benefits in USA.

The best visitor insurance plan suggestions are as follows:

Age below 70 visiting USA

Ages 70-79 years visiting USA

Ages 80+, visiting USA

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Best Visitor Insurance for Parents Visiting USA

Every year, when parents or relatives who are living in countries outside the USA and visit their children or other friends or family in the United States of America, there is always the risk of hospitalization for accidental injury or sickness as a visitor in USA. While visiting the U.S. is always exciting, visiting an American hospital without proper health insurance can be financially devastating. It is prudent to purchase the em>best visitor insurance for parents visiting USA so as to ensure that they have a safe and pleasant visit to America as visitor medical insurance coverage offer sickness/injury protection for the duration of stay as a short term visitor to USA.

Review visitor insurance for parents

Finding the best visitor insurance especially when you have for parents visiting USA is important, you can review and buy visitor insurance plans offered by different vendors starting as cheap as USD 1/day, and you get the same rates for the same plans and options sold by the provider also. Comprehensive plan offer coverage upto plan maximum and are slightly more in cost. After choosing the top visitor insurance plan you like with the needed coverage benefits and premium cost to fit your budget, you can buy it online and get instant coverage to start as early as the next day. You can review and purchase the best visitor insurance for parents visiting USA even after the start of their journey to the U.S., as they are still a foreigner needing healthcare protection while visiting the United States of America.

Buy visitors insurance in America

US visitor health insurance for parents visiting USA is available online for review, comparison to find the best visitors insurance, and purchase instantly online. USA visitors and travelers to America need not have to waste much time shopping for visitors insurance plans online. All they have to do is enter the age group and type of coverage required in the application and review the rates from the best visitor insurance providers in the world. Visitor medical insurance review page is designed by providers and offered on is user-friendly and informative. Visitors can evaluate the premium cost, medical benefits, deductibles, plan coverage, etc. among the various plans offered by prominent insurance providers in America. Remember, picking the best visitors insurance plan goes a long way when in time of need.

Best visitor insurance plans

Review and only buy the best visitor insurance plan selection by age of the visitor to USA. Below are the best visitors insurance for parents plan suggestions based on age of relatives or parents visiting USA:

Age below 70 years, best plans for visiting USA

Ages 70-79 years, best policies for USA visitors

Ages 80+ years, best coverage options for USA travel